Chapter 3, Example 3

The actual HTML:

Paragraphs can often be quite long, wandering on with no clear sense of 
direction or purpose, boring the reader and obscuring the point of the 
message (if any) contained within the text.  This sort of paragraph usually 
deserves to be broken up into several paragraphs, since its sheer bulk 
dissuades the reader from attempting to plumb its depths.
On the other hand, they can be pretty short.
Really short.
...would appear as follows.

Paragraphs can often be quite long, wandering on with no clear sense of direction or purpose, boring the reader and obscuring the point of the message (if any) contained within the text. This sort of paragraph usually deserves to be broken up into several paragraphs, since its sheer bulk dissuades the reader from attempting to plumb its depths.

On the other hand, they can be pretty short.

Really short.
